3435235 Times Again…
After anonymous İgno disappear ,another the mighty leader,Eternal CEO and FEARful nightmare of every developer, our beloved grin BOSS has left us. We will miss him absolutely!
📆Lets have a look at latest news.
🧿-2nd BATCH of GRİN Asic Miners at SALE!!! 🚀
İpollo began another batch selling of Asic Miners G1 and G1 mini with collaboration NHASH.
PAYPAL is even accepted.
Nhash https://www.nhash.net/miners
Developments and Contributions continue. Please CHECK and Contribute if you like. Grin is an opensource,decentralized project and welcome everybody. Join!
📢 Phyro Grinvestigation available at
You cant find him,he finds you. Phyro is everywhere..✨
📢 Marek started another implementation,check and contribute if you like. Contributions and Donations are welcome !
Join his telegram for daily news! https://t.me/grinventions ✔️
📢 MCM Mike leading the new Community Council and Payment proofs introduced. Things are getting hot there. Check !
- MCM Mike s Grinnodelive team awesome work continues with Grinnode.live ⏳
‘’The major goal of our service is to provide arbitration tools that could help bring grin back to Bisq decentralized exchange 5. In the future, such an arbitration tool could be potentially useful for many grin-based online platforms. ‘’
Early beta version of grinnode.live’s public transaction proof verification service is online!
- 💛 Boombound another Grin lovers work;
- 📢Dogs ‘’slatepack market ‘’open and waiting for Grinners!
- ✔️Again Mareks idea . This guy never sleeps.
- Our own p2p exchange idea 🚀
- 💲Grin WALLETS ㋡
-💪Tavarez ‘’the Destroyer’’ is waiting for you to improve Grin++ UX+Ui. Feedbacks are necessary for him. He builds ツ
- 😎 Have you seen a FULL Node on a cellphone? 💣
- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.grinplusplus.mobile&hl=en&gl=US
- 💰 For other Wallets ⬇️
- Niffler Desktop by xiaojay
https://ironbelly.app/ by Ivan Sorokin 🖖
- Ledger HD wallet Development continues. By @markhollis. We wait for you man! ⏳
- ✔️Atomic Swaps Full Throttle HERE! Gene is hardworking there! Thank you man. ⏳
- 🔎 And Jafalter Thesis about Bitcoin -GRİN Atomic swaps!
- 📃Grinnodelive Papyrus is here! Thanx to goyle and Leedan.
📜 Grin history. The origin of Mimblewimble. Grinnode-live/GRIN-papyrus
- 💛Grin Mask idea by community members.
Really dead? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Useful GRIN links
Website — https://grin.mw/
Github — https://github.com/mimblewimble/grin
Twitter — https://twitter.com/grincouncil
BitcoinTalk Ann — https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5090427.0
Wallet List — https://github.com/mimblewimble/docs/wiki/Community-projects#wallets
Grin ‘original’ wallet user guide — https://github.com/mimblewimble/docs/wiki/Wallet-User-Guide
Blockchain explorer — https://grinscan.net/
Documentation page — https://docs.grin.mw/
Forum — https://forum.grin.mw/
Grin-Privacy — https://t.me/grinprivacy
Grin-Traders — https://t.me/grintrader
Grin++ Wallet Support — https://t.me/GrinPP
Ironbelly Wallet Support — https://t.me/ironbelly
NIffler Wallet Support — https://t.me/nifflerwallet
Reddit — https://www.reddit.com/r/grincoin/
Matrix (new!) — https://matrix.grincoin.chat/
Grin marketplace (new!) — https://slatepacks.com/
Grin merchandise shop — https://tmgox.com/
Grin-Mining Pools:
http://www.grinmint.com/ (Terminating on July 21)
https://goblinpool.com/ (Too many miners! Switch to another pool!)
Introduction to Grin — https://github.com/mimblewimble/grin/blob/master/doc/intro.md
Cuck(at)oo Cycle — https://github.com/tromp/cuckoo
What is Grin — https://phyro.github.io/what-is-grin/mimblewimble.html
Why Grin — https://gist.github.com/phyro/ec37d8bfedd36102b0ea5824580d06e4
Interactive transactions — https://phyro.github.io/what-is-grin/interactive_txs.html
Grin’s emission schedule — https://phyro.github.io/what-is-grin/grin_emission.html